Cheap Multi Car Insurance in California

California car insurance requirements by law every car to be insured with minimum coverage amounts for any vehicle as:

  • $15,000 per person for bodily injury coverage;
  • $30,000 per accident for injury;
  • $5,000 per accident for property damage liability.

There is another option for cheaper insurance in CA to choose from. People with multiple cars and good drivers can get huge savings on their insurance by asking for discounts, because California insurer companies are required to offer you at least “safe drivers” discount. California Low-Cost Auto Insurance Program (LCA) and California Automobile Assigned Risk Plan are to give a way on the drivers to get cheapest auto insurance, which require the following minimum coverage:

  • $$10,000 bodily injury or death per person;
  • $20,000 per accident for injury;
  • $3,000 for property damage liability

Is not that easy to find cheap multi car insurance in California. There are so many insurer companies in CA to choose from. Just get a free online quote, choose your discounts and get discount multi car insurance that best works for you.